Heather Ramirez writes grants, coordinates the activities of the board of directors and files reports as executive director of Centro Legal.
Today, my #JOUR1550 partner-in-crime Allison Kruschke and I will proudly present our first package to Sharon McGowan and the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service.

We profiled Heather Ramirez, executive director of Centro Legal.

Centro Legal is a nonprofit center that provides free legal services on Milwaukee's south side. Ramirez gave us great insight into the organization and described her personal experience and role at Centro Legal.

Kruschke and I did a great job of delegating tasks and evenly dividing the work. We did the interview together and split up tasks such as monitoring audio (my job) and asking questions (Kruschke's job). We both took pictures and notes.

Since I am more experienced with Mac computers, I took on most of the editing work in Final Cut. Kruschke wrote the first draft of the story. Then we collaborated.

I think this was a great learning experience that will hopefully provide us with published multimedia work.

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